Version 11/11/2017
Version 11/11/2017
- Simplified installation instructions
- Dropped Content Engine version 4.5 support
- Dropped CMIS support
- Changed build process to Tycho
- Added Change Preprocessor support
- Small bug fixes
- Displaying also hidden properties in property editor
Version 5/27/2012
- Support for CMIS repositories using the Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS client libraries.
- In the terminology the label “Content Engine” is in most places changed to “Object Store” or “ECM Developer”.
- Console Projects for the execution of Java code with the selection as input.
- Creating Event Actions based on the Code Module being edited.
- Storing passwords is optional, each time a connection is made the credentials can be changed.
- Content search is temporarily disabled, did not work in the previous version.
- Added support for the IN keyword in the query designer.
- New properties dialog for Object Stores. The configuration of the connection can be edited here.
- Various small bug fixes.
- Tested with FileNet Content Engine 4.5, 4.5.1, 5.0 and 5.1 and various CMIS enabled repositories.
- Web site updated.
Version 6/x/2011
- Searching of folders, documents and custom objects.
- Fixed bug with empty code module after initial creation.
- Multiple Java elements can be added at once to a code module.
Version 2/6/2011
- Creation of new folders, documents and custom objects.
- Tracking of files checked out into the workspace.
- Favorites view.
- Content Engine Perspective, modified Class Diagram editing perspective.
- Double click also connects Object Stores and expands Folders.
- The code module editor is simplified, Java projects, packages or source files can be added as a whole
- The delete function is improved, allowing bulk deletion of objects with children
- Fixed bug accessing multiple Content Engines with different password.
Version 7/26/2010
- Sorted Object Stores view
- Checkout, Checkin, Save and Cancel Checkout of a document.
- Double click opens a document in the viewer.
- Viewing documents with multiple content elements.
- Viewing specific versions of a document.
- Downloading specific version content.
- Deleting specific versions of a document.
- Comparing documents with each other.
- Comparing two specific versions of a document.
- Comparing versions of a document with a local file.
- Editing specific versions of a document.
- Adding and removing an object store was not reflected in the Object Store Classes view.
Version 4/25/2010
- Added Content Engine 4.5.1 support.
- Added Class Diagram editor.
Version 3/5/2010
- Added support for folder, document and custom object editing.
- Fixed bug in code module editor, code modules with multiple content elements where not correctly updated.
- Fixed bug in refresh, changes made outside the plug in caused an exception.